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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

If you're over 60 and in need of transportation, Brazos Valley Area Agency on Aging offers Transportation Services under the management of the Brazos Valley Council of Governments.

Transportation Resources

Transportation is provided in the various counties within the Brazos Valley area. To be eligible in most cases, passengers must be at least 60 years old, ambulatory and have no other transportation options available. Scheduling for rides depends on the driver’s availability, and request for services should be made several days in advance. Medical needs are given more priority for transportation.

For additional transportation information, including the Brazos Valley Transportation Partnership, visit the BVCOG Transportation site, including a listing of Transit Resources.

Area Wide:

Brazos Transit District Office – (979) 778-0607

Brazos Transit District Demand & Response – (979) 778-4480

Brazos County

Brazos Transit District
Dispatch: (979) 778-4480

Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living
ADA Transit: (979) 217-1475

Burleson County

Burleson Health Resource Center
Caldwell: (979) 567-3200
Somerville: (979) 596-2315

Madison County

Madison Health Resource Center
Madisonville, Texas

Grimes County

Grimes Health Resource Center
Navasota, Texas
(office in Grimes St. Joseph Health Center)

Robertson County

Calvert Senior Center
(979) 364-2004

Leon County

Leon Health Resource Center 
Centerville, Texas
(903) 536-3687

Washington County

Washington County Healthy Living Association

Brazos Valley Council of Governments


Brazos Valley Council of Governments


Operator: (979) 595-2800

Direct Ext.: (979) 595-2801

Fax: (979) 595-2810

Physical Address: 3991 East 29th, Bryan, Texas 77802

Mailing Address: P.O. Drawer 4128, Bryan, Texas 77805-4128

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