BVCOG’s Bidding Thresholds
- Purchase less than $3,000: Verify that price is reasonable and distribute purchases among vendors as much as practical.
- Purchase price between $3,000-$50,000: At least three (3) verbal bids, written bids, catalog pricing and/or internet pricing are required.
- Purchase price over $50,000: Competitive Sealed Bids or Requests for Proposals required.
In accordance with Texas Government Code 791.001, BVCOG has the option of purchasing products that are on the State of Texas or cooperative purchasing contracts. If this method is chosen, the bidding process is not necessary regardless of the dollar amount. Some exceptions may apply to the above bidding thresholds.
Competitive Sealed Bids
Sealed bids are for purchases or contracts expected to be $50,000 or more in aggregate. Sealed bid documents must include a specific date and time of the bid closing and a location as to where the vendor is to submit the bid. Late bids are not accepted.
Cometitive Requests for Proposals
Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are for purchases or contracts expected to be $50,000 or more in aggregate. RFPs must include evaluation criteria, the relative importance of each criteria, the date and time of the bid closing and instructions for submitting the proposal. Late proposals are not accepted. Award of competitive proposals are made on a best-value basis.
For More Information
Susan Lightfoot
Purchasing Director, Brazos Valley Council of Governments
979.595.2801 ext. 2035