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Saturday, March 29, 2025

Learn more about bid opportunities, bidding thresholds, or if you currently have any open bids. Click to learn more about Brazos Valley Council of Governments purchasing.


BVCOG Purchasing

The BVCOG Purchasing Department is responsible for contracts worth a combined total of over $57 million. Brazos Valley Council of Governments (BVCOG) is a political subdivision of the State of Texas that complies with the same procedures for purchasing goods and services that apply to local governments. We are a unique agency because of the various ways in which we are funded - local, state, and federal. Sometimes the funding agency will dictate the purchasing rules we must follow.

BVCOG uses a competitive procurement process, allowing for open competition and a more transparent approach. In compliance with the local, state, and federal laws and regulations, our process ensures that purchases are obtained economically and efficiently. The following information will assist suppliers in familiarizing themselves with how to conduct business with BVCOG.


Doing Business with BVCOG

The Purchasing Department of the Brazos Valley Council of Governments (BVCOG) has partnered with OpenGovfor a fully automated, web-based electronic bidding system and vendor management system. Below are the bids and proposals currently being solicited and the corresponding closing dates for each. 

Subscribe to OpenGov

Our e-Procurement Portal will allow interested parties to do the following:


  • Register (for free) to bid and receive notifications of future opportunities in the e-Procurement Portal by selecting “Subscribe” to create an account.
  • Follow updates to existing solicitations by finding the solicitation and clicking the “Follow” button. This will allow all interested parties to receive amendments and addenda automatically.
  • Submit questions and receive answers for open solicitations.
  • Guide vendors through the process of responding electronically to RFPs, bids, etc. to ensure submissions have been accurately completed.
  • Paper bid submissions will still be available. Full instructions will be included in each bid opportunity.

Current Solicitations


Visit our Procurement Portal to view current and upcoming solicitations.


BVCOG’s Bidding Thresholds

  • Purchase less than $3,000: Verify that price is reasonable and distribute purchases among vendors as much as practical.
  • Purchase price between $3,000-$50,000: At least three (3) verbal bids, written bids, catalog pricing and/or internet pricing are required.
  • Purchase price over $50,000: Competitive Sealed Bids or Requests for Proposals required.

In accordance with Texas Government Code 791.001, BVCOG has the option of purchasing products that are on the State of Texas or cooperative purchasing contracts. If this method is chosen, the bidding process is not necessary regardless of the dollar amount. Some exceptions may apply to the above bidding thresholds.

Competitive Sealed Bids

Sealed bids are for purchases or contracts expected to be $50,000 or more in aggregate. Sealed bid documents must include a specific date and time of the bid closing and a location as to where the vendor is to submit the bid. Late bids are not accepted. 

Cometitive Requests for Proposals

Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are for purchases or contracts expected to be $50,000 or more in aggregate. RFPs must include evaluation criteria, the relative importance of each criteria, the date and time of the bid closing and instructions for submitting the proposal. Late proposals are not accepted. Award of competitive proposals are made on a best-value basis.

For More Information

Susan Lightfoot
Purchasing Director, Brazos Valley Council of Governments
979.595.2801 ext. 2035

Brazos Valley Council of Governments


Brazos Valley Council of Governments


Operator: (979) 595-2800

Direct Ext.: (979) 595-2801

Fax: (979) 595-2810

Physical Address: 3991 East 29th, Bryan, Texas 77802

Mailing Address: P.O. Drawer 4128, Bryan, Texas 77805-4128

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