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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Learn more about disaster recovery including the Texas General Land Office Disaster Recovery Mitigation Grant.

Disaster Recovery

Texas General Land Office CDBG Disaster Recovery Mitigation Grant:

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded Texas $4.383 billion in Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds for mitigation activities related to the 2015-2016 floods and Hurricane Harvey.   Click here to download the GLO Mitigation Flyer.

General Land Office CDBG Disaster Recovery Program Hurricane Harvey Rd 1: Method of Distribution

The Brazos Valley Council of Governments published a Method of Distribution (MOD) for the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds, DR-4332 in response to Hurricane Harvey.  A Public Comment Period was held, enabling the public an additional opportunity to review the final MOD based on the planning and recommendations of the jurisdictions for the eligible jurisdictions in the Burleson, Grimes, Madison, and Washington Counties.


The Brazos Valley Council of Governments (BVCOG) collected public comments for the Method of Distribution (MOD) for $5,840,778.00 in Local Buyout/Acquisition Funds, and $3,007,825.00 in Local Infrastructure Funds. BVCOG hosted two public hearings in accordance with to the guidelines provided in the Hurricane Harvey-Round 1 Councils of Governments Method of Distribution Guidelines.  The first public hearing held June 13, 2018 focused on available funding opportunities, eligibility criteria, and MOD plan development.  The second public hearing was conducted June 28, 2018 to receive public comment on the draft MOD.  BVCOG followed the BVCOG Citizen Participation Plan for Citizen and Non-Governmental Organizational outreach.  Citizens and Non-Governmental Organizations were informed of the opportunity to participate in the Method of Distribution planning and development through several messaging means.  Public meeting information was distributed by utilizing multiple local newspapers/medias, mass emails through normal BVCOG channels, letters to local organizations that provide services or housing for low to moderate-income persons, public housing authorities, and such, and posting on the BVCOG website.   BVCOG encouraged jurisdictions to inspire participation as well.    Citizens, jurisdictions, and organizations had the availability to provide comments either orally during meetings, mail, or electronically to BVCOG.


The General Land Office (GLO) estimates the cost of damages from Hurricane Harvey at $120 billion, making it the costliest event in U.S. history. The hurricane shut down ports, trade, tourism, oil, and gas production, agricultural production, and general businesses across most of the Texas coast, for almost a week and, in some cases, significantly longer. The impact of these interruptions is difficult to quantify at this time, but the effects of this disaster were felt across the nation, with commodities such as gas increasing in price by $0.33 a gallon in the weeks following Hurricane Harvey.

There are 24 regional councils, also known as councils of governments (COGs) located within the State. The COGs are comprised of city, county and special district members working together to implement cost-effective, results-oriented strategies that address statewide and local needs on a regional scale. The 49 CDBG-DR counties are located within nine COGs: Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG); Brazos Valley Council of Governments (BVCOG): Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG); Coastal Bend Council of Governments (CBCOG); Central Texas Council of Governments (CTCOG); Deep East Texas Council of Governments (DETCOG); Golden Crescent Regional Planning Commission (GCRPC); Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC); and South East Texas Regional Planning Commission (SETRPC).  The Brazos Valley jurisdictions most impacted included Burleson, Grimes, Madison, and Washington Counties.

  • Title “Method of Distribution” beneath Hurricane Harvey must expanded to “Local Buyout/Acquisition and Infrastructure Method of Distribution”
  • New Title “Homeowners Assistance Program (HAP)” should be listed prior to title “Local Buyout/Acquisition and Infrastructure Method of Distribution”

The Homeowner Assistance Program (HAP) will rehabilitate and reconstruct owner-occupied single-family homes damaged by Hurricane Harvey.   As recommended by HUD, the GLO will utilize a state-run model for the Homeowner Assistance Program. The GLO will regionalize the eligible areas for housing programs and stand up multiple programs within this activity. Regions will be established based on proximity and damage type. Considerations for construction costs and types, number of units, and total funds available may also be considered. The GLO may directly administer the programs in these areas or use the support of outside parties to serve the homeowner assistance needs. The only exception to this state-run model is related to the city of Houston and Harris County. The city of Houston and Harris County will develop their own local housing programs and will be responsible for the implementation of their programs in their jurisdictions. Homeowners located within the city of Houston and Harris County will be ineligible for participation in the state-run Homeowner Assistance Program.


“HAP Homeowner and Stakeholder Informational Links”


Brazos Valley Regional Economic Disaster Recovery and Resiliency Program

The Economic Development Administration (EDA) identified a significant need particularly in rural communities, for support to manage disaster recovery and plan for future economic resilience.  The anticipated result is job creation and/or retention, allowing the economy a quick and efficient recovery from the 2017 disaster declared events.   Additionally, this project will bring together the region’s public and private sectors in the creation of a roadmap that supports economic recovery, reconstruction, redevelopment, workforce training, resiliency, and long term planning.  This investment is focused specifically for Burleson, Grimes, Madison, and Washington Counties which are the disaster declared areas as outlined in FEMA-4332-DR.


This program is designed but not limited to

  1. Provide technical assistance and capacity building to member governments, chambers of commerce, industrial foundations, and other eligible applicants with project development activity for EDA investment opportunities that incorporate resilience and sustainability.
  2. Disseminate information on voice and data communication investment telecommunications opportunities.   The region should advocate “hardening” of all utility infrastructure to resist disaster impacts and expand voice and data communication systems.
  3. Help identify economic development grant-eligible projects with state and federal resources.

For more information, contact Roger Sheridan ( or 979.595.2801 Ext 2040

Brazos Valley Council of Governments


Brazos Valley Council of Governments


Operator: (979) 595-2800

Direct Ext.: (979) 595-2801

Fax: (979) 595-2810

Physical Address: 3991 East 29th, Bryan, Texas 77802

Mailing Address: P.O. Drawer 4128, Bryan, Texas 77805-4128

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